Li Yung Hua is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in all aspects of spinal (back) conditions including spinal trauma, deformities, tumours, infections, osteoporotic fractures, and degenerative conditions of the lumbar and cervical spine. He has specific training in minimally invasive spine surgery and embraces new technology including cervical and lumbar artificial disc replacement, kyphoplasty, pain management, percutaneous disc surgery, motion-sparing spinal surgery etc.
Dr Li is actively engaged in teaching and promoting orthopaedic and spine surgery locally and regionally. He frequently speaks at conferences and seminars, conducts workshops and perform live-surgery abroad. Dr Li has published many articles in local and international journals. His dedication and contributions have won him numerous awards for specialist and teaching excellence.
Prior private practice, Dr Li was Senior Consultant and Head of Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. He was also Director of Spine Injury Program in TTSH. In addition, he was also Clinical Senior Lecturer at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and a member of the TTSH Medical Board. He served in a variety of committees and held numerous leadership positions at various hospitals and professional organizations.
Dr Li is currently practising at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital and Mount Elizabeth Hospital. He is a member of the Singapore Orthopaedic Association and AO Spine International. He is a life member of the Asia Pacific Spine Society and is serving as a board member. He was the President of the Singapore Spine society.

1989 -
Dr Li graduated from the National University of Singapore (NUS) Medical Faculty in 1989. He trained and attained specialist postgraduate qualifications from the UK and Singapore - Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeon of Edinburgh and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (FRCS) and Master of Medicine (MMed).
Dr Li went onto completing sub-speciality, Spine Fellowship training at the University of Virginia under a Singapore Ministry of Health HMDP scholarship.